Jesse James Mistresses. Will the story of the Jesse James and Sandra Bullock breakup end with Michelle Mcgee? No, it seems that it will not end there because there are signs that it’s going to be like what happened to Tiger woods, new mistresses come out in the open and before the public has the chance to take a deep breath and say “ah”, another one comes out and another, and another, and another. As of now, another woman by the name of Melissa Smith has came out claming to be a mistress of Jesse James. Smith is also tattooed like Mcgee. According to Smith James saw her MySpace account way back in 2006 and contacted her through it. So James started “misbehaving” just one year after he was married to Bullock

and then that brings us back to Tiger’s mistress Joslyn James. She is releasing some racy text messages from Tiger Woods on her website. And here we go again. Deja Vu! Just like Jesse James another woman has stepped forward to say she had an affair with Tiger – Devon James. Just as the old Buck Owens song goes she’s got a Tiger by the tail!
According to Smith, James broke up with her after he met Michelle Mcgee in 2009. And here is the bomb that Smith is trying to detonate: James has 11 more mistresses and she has a list of them all, including their contact information. My goodness, this is going to be a big story in the next few days. This is going to be like what happened to Tiger Woods.
James has already released a statement of apology to his wife and three children last Thursday through People Magazine.
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