In the first video he asks liberal loon Alan Grayson (D-FL) why he voted for a bill that allocates funds for Native American child molesters. Since Grayson didn’t read the bill, he calls Mattera a “kook” for thinking such a thing.

March 18, 2010, Greencastle, Ind. A Wall Street Journal story today notes an increase in playing time for non-scholarship athletes, or “walk-ons”, on the top teams in Division I college basketball. Hannah Karp writes, “A coach’s personal background can inform how he treats his walk-ons. Butler’s 33-year-old coach, Brad Stevens, says he doesn’t differentiate between scholarships and walk-ons because he played at a Division III school, DePauw, in Indiana, where everyone is effectively ‘a walk-on because you don’t have scholarships.’”
Today, on the Ed Morrissey Show (3 pm ET), we welcome back Jason Mattera of Young America’s Foundation, this time to talk about his new book, Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation, which is already at #111 on Amazon’s chart. Afterward, Jim Geraghty of Campaign Spot returns to talk through the politics of ObamaCare and the perpetual campaign!
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