
Friday, October 2, 2009

Heaviest Weights Baby Was Born In Indonesia

On Thursday, 24th September, 2009 at a hospital in Kisaran, North Sumatra, Indonesia heaviest new baby boy was born with weighing 8.7-kilograms (19.2-pounds). Akbar Risuddin was four day old baby boy who was born in heaviest weights. This heaviest weights baby boy father name was Hasanuddin, 50, and mother name was Ani, 41. This child is third child of Hasanuddin, 50, and mother Ani, 41 their first two children weighed 11.6 pounds (5.3 kilograms) and 9.9 pounds (4.5 kilograms) at birth.
Heaviest Weights Baby Was Born In Indonesia
Akbar Risuddin weight is record in Indonesia for most heavily new baby boy was born. At that time when he is born on Monday his height was nearly 24 inches (62 centimeters), at the Abdul Manan hospital in the northern city of Kisaran on island of Sumatra. Dr. Binsar Sitanggang who is surgery in Akbar delivery ask that he can 40-minute cesarean delivery that was complicated because of his unusual weight and size.
Heaviest Weights Baby Was Born In Indonesia
Heaviest Weights Baby Was Born In Indonesia
Heaviest Weights Baby Was Born In Indonesia

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